Holyrood Election Results 26th May 2016 In the Holyrood elections held on 5th May 2016 the Association's territory encompassed the entire area of Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire (ERB), the seat for... Articles
Ruth Davidson visits Hawick 16th April 2016 Ruth Davidson visited Hawick today to man a street stall with local candidate John Lamont with the support of a massive crowd (see picture) of eager volunteers... Articles
Ruth Davidson visits Hawick 16th April 2016 Ruth Davidson visited Hawick today to man a street stall with local candidate John Lamont with the support of a massive crowd (see picture) of eager volunteers... Articles
Vote Scottish Conservatives Both Times 3rd April 2016 In the Holyrood elections on 5th May 2016 every voter has two votes. One is for the candidate they want to elect for their constituency and the other is for the... Articles
Independence Day 24th March 2016 Had Scotland voted Yes in September 2014, today was slated as 'Independence Day'. To mark the occasion, the Scottish Conservatives have commissioned a report... Articles
Grayling Dinner 4th March 2016 The association held a very successful dinner on Friday 4th March in the Campbell Room of the Carfraemill hotel just outside Lauder. Although the weather was... Articles
A Brace of Cabinet Ministers 12th February 2016 Following in the footsteps of Michael Gove, Theresa Villiers, the Northern Ireland Secretary, became the second Cabinet minister to visit the Whitesome Ark... Articles
Tweeddale drinks party 20th January 2016 A drinks party was held at Portmore House on Wednesday 20th January by kind permission of David and Chrissie Reid to welcome the new branch chairman, Fiona... Articles
New Education Paper 6th January 2016 Looking forward to this May's Scottish Parliament elections, the Scottish Conservatives have published a new paper containing proposals for ways in which... Articles